Update As Of June 3
Visitors from Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont have been allowed to visit with “No Restrictions”. All other guests are subject to Quarantine and Testing Requirements. This is effective Friday July 3, 2020.
We have been open for guests since June 26th, 2020. As per our Governor, there are certain criteria that must be met before enjoying your vacation here with us! Keeping everyone safe and healthy is our ultimate goal. According to State Guidelines, we are asking guests (with the exception of guests from the above-mentioned States) to review the information below. Upon checking in we will ask you to sign this document. Thank you!
Keep Maine Healthy
Attestation of Compliance for Maine Visitors
To our Valued Guests:
The State of Maine has adopted a staged approach, to allow businesses to safely re-open and operate. To help “Keep Maine Healthy,” guests of Maine commercial lodging establishments are required to make an attestation by completing this certificate prior to their stay. This initiative supports and promotes the safety and health of everyone – both visitors and Maine residents alike.
Please note that Maine, Vermont and New Hampshire residents, are not required to fill out this attestation. However, it is mandatory that all others complete this document, as we work together to “Keep Maine Healthy.”
Please review and attest to the following:
I attest that I have not experienced or displayed any COVID-19 symptoms within the last 24 hours:
Sore throat, cough, shortness of breath, or any other respiratory symptoms.
Changes in taste or smell
Fever or chills
Muscle aches and/or severe fatigue
I attest that one of the following is true (Select the one that applies)
I have completed a 14-day quarantine in Maine, prior to my stay.
I will quarantine for 14-days upon arrival in Maine or for the duration of the stay.
I have received a negative COVID-19 test result, taken within the last 72 hours prior to my arrival, consistent with Maine CDC guideline.
- I attest that I have not had close contact with anyone over the last 14 days who is confirmed to have COVID-19.
- I agree to play my part in Keeping Maine Healthy by following the recommended guidelines set out by the CDC to keep myself and others safe.
- I attest that all persons under the age of 18, or those who are dependent on my care, meet the necessary criteria mentioned above.
- I have read and understand that this Attestation of Compliance, and agree that all statements made above are accurate. Guests may be asked to provide proof of the negative test result upon request.
Name: ________________________________ Signature: ________________ Date: __________
Address: ________________________________________________________________________
Phone: ___________________________________________
Additional Guests:
Name: __________________________________ Signature: _________________________
Name: __________________________________ Signature: _________________________
Name: __________________________________ Signature: _________________________